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    Time for Changes!
    The Future Starts Now!

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    Nature Optimises the Yield!

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    Savings through Efficency!

About Osenum

As an innovative company in the areas of energy and environmental management, OSENUM is seen as a dependable partner in its two core compentencies of energy efficiency and biotechnology. Based on decades of experience, research and development, our customers are given individual attention by our team of specialists in their relevant areas of expertise, but also extending into related themes.

Our philosophy

Healthy soil, plants, and animals, as well as energy-efficient management, are of prime importance and existential for countering the problems of climate change, increased greenhouse gas emissions, and scarcity of resources. We are observing the cycle of nature and from it we are developing comprehensive solutions in the areas of soil, plant and animal husbandry, as well as addressing the topic of energy efficiency.

Our goal

Our goal is to provide with our work the children of today and tomorrow with the best of living conditions and possibilities for their development. This is the reason we are researching nature, to be able to protect what we need for life – water, healthy food, clean air, as well as an intact environment!

The time has come to turn once again towards the forces of nature! Nature has already optimised all its processes, we must only be guided by them and can therefore draw on this plentiful source, without harming nature!

To work with nature means to be provided with food and fodder of high quality, to bind CO2, to save water, and to lower costs.

The most abundant source of energy, one that is only waiting to be tapped, is energy efficiency!

Our Core Competencies

We offer solutions



Weeds show us a problem in the soil! What kind of problem? You need a simple and inexpensive solution?


Insect pests

Pest insects indicate a weak immune system! Make your plant fit so that it can protect itself!


Harmful fungi

Harmful fungi show a weak immune system!
1. strengthen the immune system of the plant!
2. eliminate the fungus quickly and permanently!



Drought and lack of water show an inadequate soil structure! Humus structure and water-storing elements are in demand

We did not inherit the Earth from our parents,
but borrowed from our children!

Sitting Bull

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